Wednesday 2 September 2009

It's raining, it's pouring...

As the title reads, it's pouring down here today, very miserable start to September indeed. Won't be long before the scarf and gloves are out, along with raincoats and wellies of course!
I managed my night out last Friday, although surrounded by teenagers celebrating their recent exam success made me feel old and past it!
LO (little one) seems to have a better social life than I, and has a first birthday party to attend this weekend. My diary is empty, again.
Chappie is working all hours under the sun and stars, so when LO is tucked up in bed, I merely have that mountain of ironing and a slice of cake to keep me company (some people's idea of fun I guess).
LO starts playgroup next week, and i'm thinking ''what will I do with myself?'' nice soak in the bath, read a book, get that long required haircut? Nope i'll most likely be sat outside in the car waiting for them to come out!! Oh mother's do worry!

Thursday 27 August 2009

Tyres, tyres, tyres.

Well it's that time of the year again - the annual M.O.T for our car. So we've been at the garage all morning and gosh I hate those places, not ideal with a curious toddler who wants to kneel on the grubby waiting room floor and touch every spec of dust on the table. Had to get three new tyres, is it me or are things getting more expensive by the year? Car tax is increasingly creeping up too. I guess that night out I had planned for tomorrow will have to be postponed...

My highlight of the day was little one learning to say her name! At long last, and has repeated it to me all evening, bless!

Sat in the garden earlier, pondering my hum drum life, I do hope i'm not the only one! It seems to be the same old tiring routine each evening, cook dinner, wash up, tidy up, bath little one, story, cuddles (my favourite) and putting her to bed. Then Chappie and I groan that there is never anything good to watch on the television, and go our separate ways into technology, him on the xbox live, myself trawling the net...does life become more exciting than this?!

Wednesday 26 August 2009

Good morning peeps

Whilst trawling the internet on yet another 'quiet night in' I was suddenly hit with the thought - is anyone else out there like me? So with a few clicks of some keys here I am, sharing my thoughts and experiences with you, hoping i'm not the only one out there who has biscuit smudged into her new carpet, scribbles all over that very important document, a huge pile of never ending ironing and a chappie obsessed by computer games!

If you haven't already guessed, i'm a mum to a very busy toddler, full-time mum may I add, who sometimes feels she never stops thinking. Being a mum, as many of you know, takes over your body and mind from the moment you get that positive test result. And that saying is totally true - a mother's work is never done, it's what I remind myself when i'm walking the floors at 3am or scrubbing chocolate stains out of their best dress!! And then we have Chappie - who is just as much a kid as our daughter!

My house is caving in with toys and clothes, but the urge to buy that really cute outfit is still there. My wardrobe is spilling with dresses and heels that I know i'll never wear...I hardly get the opportunity to get out...does this make me a hermit, mother or shopaholic?

So, if there is anyone out there, feel free to come read my blogs and comments are always welcome. Thank you for reading!